Wellbeing for all Seasons - with Nature in Mind

4 x 2 hour sessions, delivered via zoom

Especially for your group

Welcome to ZoomTown! I never thought I would deliver Ecotherapy online, but corona virus restrictions had us all working in new ways. Although we are not physically together, there are advantages to connecting as a group when we’re not able to be in the same place at the same time.

Guided by the four seasons, this course introduces Ecotherapy and the importance of connecting with nature for better mental health.  Theory is balanced with practical application using PowerPoint, video sharing and small group discussions. The group is given new Ecotherapy Invitations each week and receives follow up email reminders.

We meet each participant wherever they are, creating space to reconnect with ourselves, each other and nature, and have a good laugh along the way.

Week 1   WINTER  Reflection

A brief introduction to Ecotherapy as a means of supporting mental and emotional health

Embracing winter as a time of acceptance and reflection

  Week 2  SPRING  Clearing space Theory and evidence

What we hold on to physically, mentally and emotionally.

Creating space for new growth

 Week 3    SUMMER   Play!

A wee bit of theory then, schools out!

Reconnecting with our inner child through curiosity, creativity and play

 Week 4    AUTUMN   Letting go

Theory  and evidence

Letting go of what no longer serves us


“I can’t praise this 4 week course enough, I wish it were 4 months.  With Michaela as our guide, it’s enjoyable, fun, friendly, and gives hope and rekindles the child in you. Be good to yourself and sign up today’”

Evelyn Mckemmey-Gallagher    DWN Zoom course participant March 2021


“Michaela was like a walk in the woods, a breath of fresh air or a dip in the ocean!  It is no easy task to deliver an Ecotherapy course via Zoom but Michaela delivered it with great passion and understanding.  A gentle approach, able to meet the participants where they were and by the end of the 4 weeks we were like a little family unit.  Thank you Michaela. Looking forward to meeting up ‘in real life’ when we can”.

Maureen Boyle, DWN Zoom participant   March 2021

 “The best thing about this course was Michaela. Her openness about her own difficulties and her great Derry humour”.

Zoom Course participant   April 2021

“A very informative worthwhile course delivered by an excellent course facilitator”

Zoom course participant  April 2021


€500 per course

4 x 2 hour sessions

6 -12 participants

Please use the button below to tell me about your group and request dates and times for your course