It’s good to talk

Maybe it’s because I’ve got a story to tell and want to share mental health information far and wide. . . . or maybe it’s because I’m Irish, and just love to chat.

Conference Speaking

I cut my ‘speaking teeth’ delivering talks and presentations on the subject of mental health over 20 years ago; from 3 people in a community hall to 200 conference delegates in an auditorium, communication is key.

Special thanks to countless teenagers who had to listen to me as a guest speaker in their school, when they really didn’t want to be there.   They let me change their minds about ‘emotional stuff’, and I’m grateful for that.

Most Recent

  • Tribe Healing Arts Community, Chicago    Webinar panellist April 2021

  • Bogside and Brandywell Health Forum.  Spring Social Prescribing. Connect Well Workshop via Zoom     March 2021

  • NI & Ireland Social Prescribing Link Workers Conference online                                                               December  2020

To enquire about speaking at your event, please Get in Touch.

Click here to hear some podcasts I have spoken on.