Life - Work balance

See what I did there? Putting ‘life’ before ‘work’ in the title.

Which do you put first? Do you work and fit the rest of your life around it. Or do you prioritise life, and then fit work in?

I fully appreciate that, for most people, work isn’t a choice, it’s a necessity. We have to pay bills and eat, and the cost of living isn’t cheap.

But, how are you using the time when we’re not working? That precious and well-deserved ‘down time’.

Of course, rest is important, but what about restoring?

Re- storing the mental, emotional and physical resources that work has depleted is important, and the best environment for human restoration is in nature.

Trees release phytoncides that reduce our cortisol (stress hormone), boost immunity and elevate NK (Natural Killer) cells, so they’re pretty great company after a hard day or week at work.

In nature, our attention is restored. We are better able to concentrate and focus after time in natural green or blue spaces.

So, when your life - work balance isn’t tilted the way you’d like, and it’s difficult to even up the scales, make the most of the time you’re not working, by resting and restoring with nature.

I chat about this while wild camping on an island, where ironically, I went to rest and restore from the work of building this website. Lakes, bluebells, a much used dry robe, and my lovely new blue tent are all featured here


Reset Sunday

