Mother Nature is an Irish Mammy, and she’s left you a voicemail!

In April 2020, at the height of corona virus restrictions and lockdown, Mark Patterson, BBC Radio Foyle, asked for a writer’s response to the situation. I took the point of view of Mother Nature and imagined what she would say to us humans, if only we would listen. You can read the piece (with an Irish accent) here.

Mother Nature is an Irish Mammy, and she’s left you a voicemail


Hello, it’s me, your Mother, Mother Nature. Remember me?

Answering machine again, I hate talking to machines, and you know I canni text.

Ach darling, I’m wile sorry you’re sick.

I hate you being scared and worried, especially now you’re stuck in your box, so I can’t sooth you.

But that’s why I’m calling you now; I could never get your attention before;

I whispered in the wind,

I roared in the waves and

I sang the sweetest birdsong,

But you couldn’t hear me, because you weren’t listening.

We’ve become disconnected, and that’s bad for both of us.

You were always indoors with artificial heat, light, food and medicine. Even though I provide everything you need, naturally. You used to be so grateful. I remember when you honoured and looked after me, back when we were close.

Ach, I don’t want to barge, especially now when you’re not well, but you did take me for granted love. I know you’re evolving, but you were just getting too big for your man-made boots.

I especially miss the wee ones, and they miss me too. You don’t let them close enough to climb trees or dig dirt. They don’t feel fresh air on their faces because they’re locked up in boxes, under close supervision, heads bowed to screens. I’m sad that some of them don’t know me at all.

When you are with me, you’re not really present. You regard me as a photo opportunity; pixilating my beauty, filtering my perfection and uploading my wonder . It‘s all over in the push of a button, as if you were never here at all. You don’t just be you, being with me.

I’ve been unwell. My temperature is rising. Pollution has given me a wile cough and my veins are clogged up with plastic. I am sick, but I’m also strong. Other species still know my worth and are playing their part so we can all thrive. It’s just you that we seem to have lost.

Now you’re sick too, you’ve had to slow down and stay in your box.

So now you miss me, as I’ve been missing you.

We will both get better, we’ll heal together.

And when we do, let’s never lose touch again.

With love

Your Mother, Nature “


School Days


About Me. The condensed and relevant version